An Espresso with CPG er pistlahorn sem CPG sendir reglulega á aðildarfélög CPG (gamla PGA of Europe) og hér er einmitt pistill sem Arnar Már skrifaði, en hann er situr bæði í stjórn PGA á Íslandi og í stjórn CPG. Við munum birta pistla frá CPG hér á síðunni og það er okkar von, í stjórninni, að félagsmenn hafi gaman af.
Mæli með að þið lesið.
This Espresso is served by our Board Director, Arnar Már Ólafsson
Good afternoon everyone,
I am very excited to be able to write to you as a newly added Board Director of the CPG.
Last week we had the latest CPG Board Meeting at Fontana in Austria – my first official in-person meeting. I was very happy to be able to spend some time with the Board and my fellow newbie to the Board, Bernard de Bruyckere from Belgium.
I have had the pleasure of being involved with the CPG in various ways even since the early 1990s, so to see where we have got to across those years and now be a part of the Board is truly an honour, and even this meeting was very insightful as we look to progress the CPG more and more.
There is a lot of exciting activity planned for 2024 and beyond and we look forward to sharing more on this in future editions of the Espresso.
For a little bit of background about me then I have been involved with the PGA of Iceland since it’s beginning as an organisation and I was one of the first PGA Professionals in our country in 1991.
Whilst I have worked with the PGA of Iceland on many different activities, the key thing has always been education and I am proud of the programme we have developed over time for our Professionals who are well prepared to be the workforce for the sport in our country.
I believe there is always more that we can do to make our education better and better and we work hard to keep progressing this. The past few years have seen a record number of students join our programme which is testament to the hard work of my colleagues and the PGA.
For PGA of Iceland then the CPG’s support is extremely valuable both in education and in general across our membership activities and we value our membership, and friendship, greatly.
To be able to contribute and play my part both nationally in Iceland and internationally now as part of the CPG Board is an honour.
Just like the rest of my fellow Board Members, our door is always open so feel free to get in touch with us if you want to speak more about any aspect of CPG work. I hope to speak to many of you soon and see you at a CPG event sometime in the future.
Have a great week,
Arnar Már Ólafsson
Board Director, PGA of Iceland
Board Director, CPG